Welcome to Jonathan Harrod Photography. From as far back as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with wildlife. I can vividly remember as a young child being glued to the TV every Saturday night at 7:30 when I would watch ‘The World Around Us’ an Australian documentary television series that regularly featured the likes of Malcolm Douglas and Sir David Attenborough. For one hour a week I would be transported from my little house in suburban Sydney to other worlds; from the wild plains of the Serengeti to the mountains of Central Asia, places I could only dream of one day visiting. The same enthusiasm that saw me chasing blue tongued lizards under my grandmother’s house at a young age now sees me photographing fiordland crested penguins on the remote South Westland coast of New Zealand.
In 2008 I migrated from Sydney, Australia to Christchurch, New Zealand. It was around this time that my journey in photography began. My photography has given me the chance to marry my love for wildlife/nature with my love for art and design. From the very first moment I picked up a camera I was hooked. I am a marine scientist, avid conservationist and bird enthusiast and I endeavour to convey my love for the natural world through my photographs. Like many wildlife photographers, I use my photography as a tool to educate, inspire and instill in people a greater love and appreciation for the natural environment.